Today marks the ending of my fourth day of my 30 day rewind.  I woke up this morning yet another day to engage in early morning meditation.  I woke up this morning feeling absolutely happy and exceptionally beautiful.

Today was pretty much a day of rest.  I got some writing, cleaning, meditating, shopping, and exercise in.

Today, I extended my exercise regiment by 30 minutes and it felt great.  Usually, on the weekend I watch TV but I didn’t turn the tube on until 9 p.m.  I just found myself more vested in doing more productive things.  Overall, I am just Happy.  Happy to be a woman who lives, laugh, and love unconditionally.  I am simply me.

I don’t have a lot to say today only that I am looking forward to a brand new day.  Pray for me as I travel this journey to enhance the model me.  LOL!!

“Success is the execution of your commitments.”  {Poetic Energy}