The time has finally come.  I am all settled down and I feel totally balanced.  I have done my two-hour Open Mic show and I thoroughly enjoyed completing my day with poetic expressions.  I got my exercise on before the show and let me tell you; it did not come without challenge, but the feeling is great to complete something that you set out to do.

I tell you balancing out my day with specific task left me without the feeling of being overwhelmed and I am so happy.  I got in everything that I needed to get in without fail.  I feel wonderfully free.

Tomorrow is a brand new day and I am sure that I will face new challenges but the important thing is that I will center my focus to guide me through the day successfully.

Okay, I must take my self to bed because I have clients to meet with tomorrow and other things to carry out after meeting with them.  So good night all and Love and Blessings to you and yours…..

” Balance your world by not taking on more than you should, prioritize and manage your life well.” {Poetic Energy}

“Moderation is the key to keeping us from over indulging in that which will negatively affect our wholeness; so do everything in moderation.” {Poetic Energy}

“Moderation is not deprivation.” {Poetic Energy}