I remember a time when I use to go to the gym religiously 4 days a week exercising 2 hours a day.  It was important for me to keep my temple together for myself and not for anyone else. My temple was tight, biceps and triceps defining every muscle and my calves were popping like it was nobodies business.  My skin radiant as a halo’s glow.  I can remember from my early and late twenties my clothing sizes ranged from size 4-6 then 8-10, 12-14 and so on and so forth.

After I had my daughter, my body bounced back to 125 lbs.  So I can’t even blame my child for my gaining weight excessively over the years.  I stop paying attention to the sizes when it went past size 16. I have done many of things before now to confront my excessive weight gain.  I prevailed at times but then I found myself back in the same position, gaining the weight I lost back and then some. I never was really overweight until my mobility became physically challenging .  (When I am ready I will share what the physical challenge is.)

This holiday season, I decided that I was not going to cook or indulge in traditional practices of celebrating the season by preparing a big feast.  Instead, I decided that food was not going to be the motivation in me.  I have decided to rewind the hands of time RECLAIMING  THE MOTIVATION I once owned and possessed.  I affirm to always be the best me that I can be inside and out.  NO MORE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS…..NO MORE FAD DIETS…..NO MORE INSTANT GRATIFICATION….NO MORE DIET SUPPLEMENTS…NO MORE COUNTING CALORIES….NO MORE FEAR OF BEING SEXY….NO MORE EXCUSES.

Recently, I had an epiphany. I realized every day that I wake up; that, it is God’s message to me that he has given me the ability to change my situation, circumstances, and my life for the better.  He give’s me the opportunity to soar successfully as in times past.

So, today is the day that I have started my 30 day rewind.  Today is my {SANKOFA}.

The concept of SANKOFA is derived from King Adinkera of the Akan people of West Afrika. SANKOFA is expressed in the Akan language as “se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenki.”

Literally translated it means “it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot”.

“Sankofa” teaches us that we must go back to our roots in order to move forward. That is, we should reach back and gather the best of what our past has to teach us, so that we can achieve our full potential as we move forward. Whatever we have lost, forgotten, forgone or been stripped of, can be reclaimed, revived, preserved and perpetuated.

Sankofa is the whole inspiration behind starting my New program the 3o-day rewind.  Every 3o-days one-step-at-a-time I will symbolically turn back the hands of time only to take back the beauty of everything that was once mine.   I will update you with pictures, and random thoughts on my journey and I will update you with exactly what I am doing at the appropriate time.

Until next time…..keep it locked….or rewind your clock….to implement the change in you.